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Tired of boring dishes? well, try our variety of pizza recipes and have a lot of fun with family and friends. Homemade pizzas easy to prepare and read

5.33 MB

Pizza has become one of the most popular dishes in the world as people from many different countries have their own way of creating this cheesy deligh

4.23 MB

Obiad – główny i zarazem najobfitszy posiłek w ciągu dnia, spożywany w Polsce najczęściej między godziną 12 a 16. Tradycyjnie składa się z dwóch dań –

2.64 MB

Добро пожаловать! У нас собраны самые интересные блюда мира. Наши блюда способны удовлетворить самый взыскательный вкус! Приложение содержит большое к

4.55 MB

Dos países com a cozinha mais variada, deliciosa e extensa é sem dúvida México. Hoje com Receitas Mexicanas procuramos facilitar-lhe o menu a você à h

5.15 MB

101 Sandwiches is an exquisite app that provides you recipes for 101 sandwiches from all around the world. Surprise everyone with exotic sandwich reci

8.8 MB

A sandwich is a food item consisting of one or more types of food, such as vegetables, sliced cheese or meat, placed on or between slices of bread, or

5.29 MB

With everything you need in the daily life to speak the English language and French Most of the phrases that you will need to speak the language perfe

3.17 MB

WHY WOULD YOU NEED AN App ON THE GRAMMAR of French?in order To COMMUNICATE BETTER (Studies / Reviews / Meetings / Presentations / E-mails / Travel et

4.82 MB

apprendre l'orthographe français et éviter les fautes les plus courantes commis par les apprentis de cette belle langue françaises Afin d'améliorer vo

2.74 MB

Sponge or a sponge cake is a cake made of flour generally flour, sugar, and eggs. Sponge cake and the cake is generally cured with roasted in the oven

2.07 MB

[Recipe Cupcake] Cupcake Recipes app is an application for studying the cupcake recipe that you may not know resp and how to make cupcake Cupcake is a

9.1 MB

Aqui você encontra diversas receitas fáceis e práticas para fazer no microondas como: . Alho Assado . Batata Chips . Bolo De Canela . Bolo De Cenoura

5.45 MB

Concise Guide on how to prepare Nigeria's popular delicacies.Recipes included.Simple and easy to understand. Descriptions and methods have been tested

5.23 MB
eSPM Sains 1.0.0

eSPM Sains is an application that contain a past year set of SPM exam paper (Malay Edition) from year 2005 to 2012 rich with text and new images look.

13.76 MB

Learn how to cook African Recipes with cooking tips, food descriptions and more. Easy to make recipes, explore the best of African cuisine and feature

14.15 MB

Nigerian cuisine consists of dishes or food items from the hundreds of ethnic groups that comprise Nigeria. Like other West African cuisines, it uses

4.57 MB

আচার ভালো লাগেনা এমন লোক খুব কম পাওয়া যাবে।আমাদের অ্যাপটিতে পাবেন বিভিন্ন রকম মজাদাার আচারের রেসিপি। অ্যাপটিতে আরও পাবেন * আমের আচার * কাশ্মীরি আচার

2.5 MB

Aplicația stațiilor de radio românești îți permite să asculți cele mai bune canale de radio românești și să te bucuri de hiturile muzicale online și d

3.86 MB

St. Aidans NS Tallaght,Brookfield, Tallaght, Dublin 24,Get all your school News, Extra Curricular, School Info, Photos,previous year's papers,informat

21.57 MB